Odjel za psihologiju

Book of Selected Proceedings of the 24th Psychology Days

The Organizing and Programme Committee of the 24th Psychology Days in Zadar invites the active participants of the conference to submit their manuscript to the Editorial Board of the Book of Selected Proceedings of the 24th Psychology Days which will be published in 2025.

Instructions for authors

The Department of Psychology of University of Zadar is preparing a scientific publication entitled the Book of Selected Proceedings of the 24th Psychology Days, which we hope will encompass the highest quality papers presented at the conference. This edition has an international Editorial board, and all manuscripts will be subjected to an international peer-review procedure.

The deadline for manuscript submission is December 6th.

Authors are invited to send an electronic version of the manuscript to psydays2024.proceedings@gmail.com with the subject “Proceedings 2024_submission_[first_author_surname]”. The name of the attached file should be “[first author surname] – manuscript proceedings 2024.docx”.

Please keep in mind the following requirements:

•    Only papers presented at the 24th Psychology Days in Zadar will be considered for review. Full-text papers should be based on the same dataset as conference papers, but analyses can differ.  

•    Only manuscripts that report findings based on empirical data will be considered for review. Theoretical papers, literature reviews, etc. will not be considered. The only exceptions to this requirement are manuscripts based on keynote lectures at the 24th Psychology Days in Zadar.

•    The manuscript should be submitted only to the Conference Proceedings Book and should not be under consideration or peer review, accepted for publication, in press, or published elsewhere.

•    The (co)authors of the papers presented at the conference cannot be added or removed in the full version of the manuscripts. Authors can (if they want    to) change the author order if they reach a mutual agreement about th

•    Submissions received after the deadline, or submissions that do not meet the language, length, and/or formatting requirements will not be considered.

•    It is strongly recommended that the authors take care of the language editing and proofreading.

•    Papers should be written in English. Writing should be concise and correct. British or American English spelling is accepted if used consistently throughout the manuscript.

•   Manuscripts must be submitted in grammatically correct English. Manuscripts that do not meet this standard will not be considered.

•   Authors should only use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process to improve readability and language.

•    Paper length should not exceed a maximum of 6000 words (excluding abstract, title, authors’ names, affiliations, keywords, and references). Manuscript should follow the APA 7 style.

The paper should contain the following (in accordance with the APA7 standards):

•    Title (recommended up to 180 characters with spacing): The title should be concise and supplied on a separate sheet along with the author's name(s), title, current address, telephone and email address. One author should be identified as the corresponding author. The title can be the same as the one submitted for the conference.

•    Abstract: An abstract should constitute the first page of the article (recommended from 1000 to 1800 characters with spacing).

•    Keywords: Provide a maximum of 5 keywords, reflecting the essential topics of the article, which may be taken from both the title and the text.

•    Introduction: Including an adequate conceptual background which the rationale of the study clearly follows and a clearly stated aim of the study.

•    Method: Provide sufficient detail (study participants, measuring instruments and procedure)

•    Results: Results should be clear and concise.

•    Discussion and conclusions: The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not just to repeat them; avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature and provide main conclusions of the study.

•    Acknowledgments (if applicable)

•    References: References should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. for style.  If the original version of a non-English article is cited in References, give the original title and put the English translation in brackets.

NOTE: When reporting statistics, it is necessary to display values, degrees of freedom, and levels of significance (e.g., t(121) = 15.34, p<.05). Please, consult APA7 as the standard for presenting statistical parameters. Reporting effect sizes is desirable, but not necessary.